R/V Roger Revelle Expedition KNOX03RR

CLIVAR/CO2 cruise I8S

Scientists’ Weekly Report 2, 12 February 2007

1400 local; 64.0 °S, 119.3 °E; air temp -0.1 °C (32 °F), wind 18 knots from NE

R/V Roger Revelle is now steaming west along 64 °S, having completed the initial crossing of the Circumpolar Current in good order. There are a few icebergs about, and with air temperatures near freezing and occasional snow flurries, we are enjoying the Antarctic ambiance, not to mention being south of most of the heavier weather we’d rather miss. The long daylight hours assist the bridge with seeing the few ice bits we need to avoid. We are getting ice updates, and we will adjust the start of the I8S transect to best fit local ice conditions in the Davis Sea area.

Since the last report we completed a test cast with the trace metal rosette, and yesterday did two test/training casts with the big 36-place rosette, plus another test cast with the trace metal rosette. Some nagging problems with the LADCP (lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) are the primary remaining concern, though we also have a few Niskin bottle leaks to repair. The two deck teams, under the guidance and tutelage of Gene Pillard and Rob Palomares, are learning to work and communicate well together when launching and recovering the rosette, extremely important to working safely in the rough seas we expect later during the cruise.

Yesterday’s test casts took place in the vicinity of an iceberg, so Captain Murline’s post-cast treat was a short photo-op detour, and the cooks followed that up with a delicious steak dinner, with Chief Engineer Paul Mauricio doing the honors on the grill.

This long steam to our first station has provided ample opportunity for the science team to gain their sea legs, prepare and test equipment, and get to know each other. With luck we may be beginning our stations by Friday. We are ready, and all is well.

Jim Swift, Chief Scientist

Annie Wong, Co-Chief Scientist